Technical Director

We are looking for a Technical Director for our broadcast center in Copenhagen, Denmark!



Vi søger en teknisk chef til vores broadcastcenter i København. Du kommer sammen med vores Group CTO til at spille en central rolle i opbygningen af centeret og vi forventer, at du vokser ind i rollen til at have det daglige ansvar for driften af hele vores tekniske infrastruktur både i centeret, for vores kontributionsnet og for den del af produktionen, der foregår onsite.


  • Du kommer til at spille en central rolle i opbygning af vores broadcastcenter i København og i etableringen af Matchday Production’s tekniske infrastruktur.
  • Sikre en teknisk perfekt teknisk afvikling af cirka 800 live produktioner om året
  • Sikre teknisk overholdelse af alle produktioner og arbejde tæt sammen med andre afdelinger.


  • Flere års erfaring med live produktion af sport og studieproduktioner.
  • Kendskab til nyeste digitale videoteknologi på højeste niveau
  • Dybdegående kendskab til netværk og netværksbaseret teknologi
  • Fremragende kommunikations- og samarbejdsevner.
  • God sprogforståelse – engelsk, norsk og svensk.
  • Ledelseserfaring og evne til at motivere et team.
  • Evne til at håndtere komplekse tekniske udfordringer, træffe strategiske beslutninger.

Vi tilbyder:

  • Muligheden for at være med til at etablere det største nybrud i dansk sportsproduktion i mange år.
  • Fleksibelt arbejdsmiljø, attraktiv lønpakke og goder.
  • Mulighed for at være en del af et dedikeret team, der ændrer måden sport bliver produceret på.
  • Via DMC Production’s ejerskab bliver du en del af et ambitiøst internationalt orienteret produktionsselskab, der er markedsledende på remote production.
  • Nem adgang til arbejdspladsen med S-tog og Metro.

Har du spørgsmål?

Kontakt Group CTO Trond Hermansen eller CEO Anders Antonsen via

Sådan Ansøger Du:

Send din ansøgning og CV til Angiv venligst “Ansøgning – Teknisk Chef” i emnelinjen.

Vi ser frem til at modtage din ansøgning!

Teknisk Chef – Remote Produktion af sport til Matchday Production A/S

Sted: Vanløse, København

Jobtype: Fuld tid

Ansøgningsfrist og tiltrædelse: Så hurtigt som muligt.


We are looking for a Technical Director for our broadcast center in Copenhagen. Together with our Group CTO, you will play a central role in the development of the center and we expect you to grow into the role of having day-to-day responsibility for the operation of our entire technical infrastructure both in the center, for our contribution network and for the part of the production that takes place onsite.


  • You will play a central role in building our broadcast center in Copenhagen and in establishing Matchday Production’s technical infrastructure.
  • Ensure a technically perfect execution of approximately 800 live productions per year
  • Ensure technical compliance of all productions and work closely with other departments.


  • Several years of experience with live production of sports and studio productions.
  • Knowledge of the latest digital video technology at the highest level
  • In-depth knowledge of networks and network-based technology
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
  • Good understanding of languages – English, Norwegian and Swedish.
  • Management experience and ability to motivate a team.
  • Ability to handle complex technical challenges, make strategic decisions.

We offer:

  • The opportunity to help establish the biggest breakthrough in Danish sports production for many years.
  • Flexible working environment, attractive salary package and benefits.
  • Opportunity to be part of a dedicated team that is changing the way sports are produced.
  • Through DMC Production’s ownership, you become part of an ambitious internationally oriented production company that is the market leader in remote production.
  • Easy access to the workplace by S-train and Metro.

Do you have questions?

Contact Group CTO Trond Hermansen or CEO Anders Antonsen via

How to Apply:

Send your application and CV to Please put “Application – Technical Director” in the subject line.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Technical Director – Remote Production of sports for Matchday Production A/S

Location: Vanløse, Copenhagen

Job type: Full time

Application deadline and joining: As soon as possible.

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Are you ready to step in to the world of DMC production?

If you have any questions about the position don’t hesitate to contact us